Thursday, February 18, 2010


Welcome to my blog for The Last Testament, the period Christian fiction novel I am currently in the process of refining and self-publishing.

For a long time, I thought of the self-publishing world like that of the street mixtape industry -- it has merit in certain arenas, but by and large, goes unrecognized by the majority of society.

The message of redemption and fulifilling a call of God is too important to only reach my warm market of friends, family, and former students, so I shunned the idea of self-publishing for a LONG time until I spoke personally with Stephanie Perry-Moore.

Perry-Moore, for anyone who does not know, has written more than a couple dozen Christian fiction books targeted toward the teen audience, including the Skky series. She advised me to "cast a wide net" by self-publishing with a target of 2,000 copies and then query more agents with a proven audience.

I believe in the vision God has given me for more than just 2,000 copies. Will you? Time will tell.

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