Thursday, July 14, 2011

DIY Publishing versus Self-Publishing: Good and Bad

I’ve changed book religions. I used to believe mainstream publishing (manuscript+query=agent; agent+publisher = SUCCESS!) was the way for me. It is not, at least not right now.

I advocate Do-It-Yourself (DIY) publishing over self-publishing. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

The DIYer’s trump card is that, while he did publish himself, he is not considered a “self-publisher.” He uses the same printer of a self-publishing company. He totes books around everywhere he goes. His books are Print-On-Demand — just like that of the self-published.

But he is not self-published.

When you self-publish, no major brick-and-mortar bookseller will carry you. Even in your book was the next great American novel, who would know it? If a reader can go to a building and see your book, it adds trust to your name.

The only difference between DIYers and mainstream publishers is that you put out one title a year and
they crank out 20. Because of that distinction, brick-and-mortar bookstores will carry you.
This Friday, let’s talk a little about how simple DIY publishing really is and how much the investment is worth.

Be blessed,

Brian Thompson’s passion is motivating and encouraging others to write and to pursue Do-It-Yourself publishing. He is also author of the Christian fiction thrillers The Lost Testament, and The Revelation Gate. You can read more about Brian by visiting his author site.

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