Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review of B.J. Robinson's Last Resort

Last ResortLast Resort by BJ Robinson

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Last Resort in 140 characters or less: Girl meets boy. Girl denies obvious interest. Enter abusive ex, girl’s rival 4 boy. <3, shots, property damage. Co-conspirators? Suspense!

In Last Resort, the debut title on Desert Breeze Publishing from B.J. Robinson, Faith Roussell settles in a small, fictional Florida town after leaving a broken and abusive relationship.

Faith’s best friend, introduces her to Matt: a clumsy cowboy destined to win Faith’s heart. But the flirtatious Lilly, who rivals Faith for Matt‘s heart, makes her affection for him known while Faith openly denies her own.

Meanwhile, Fred, Faith’s jilted ex, pursues her with a vengeance. He wants Faith back at all costs -- enough to threaten her life on numerous occasions. But is he acting alone? Maybe, maybe not.

Last Resort is written in descriptive language that paints the picturesque southern backdrop well. Yet, it is not so thick that it makes for dragging exposition.

The romance, well-penned sensory details, and build-up action sequences are where Last Resort shines. Matt and Faith’s repartee is believable and light on the syrup. I easily bought into their courtship.

But elements of the book’s dual plot were lacking for me. It’s credible in spots, not so much in others. But Robinson baited my hook REALLY WELL in the book’s final acts.

If I sat down with B.J. and had three questions, I would ask the following: Why wasn’t Fred a prime suspect at first? Why did he willingly let Faith go in the first place? And if she “escaped” from him, wouldn’t the first place he would think she went is her old hometown?

For a story rich in southern charm, romance, and a redemptive Christian message, Last Resort fits the bill.

View all my reviews

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